10 Questions to Ask Yourself for a Mid-Year Career Check-In



Can you believe we're already more than halfway through 2024?


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It feels like it was just yesterday when we were making our New Year's resolutions and setting ambitious goals. Time sure flies when you're busy! But instead of letting the passing of time stress us out, let's take a moment to reflect and re-energize our careers.


As a career coach who specializes in working with mid-career women, I've found that mid-year check-ins are incredibly powerful. They offer us a chance to pause, reassess our priorities, and make sure we're still on track with our ambitions.


So, grab a cup of tea (or a glass of wine), get comfy, and let's have an honest conversation about your career goals.


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Where are you now and where do you want to be?


Why Mid-Year Check-Ins Matter


Think of your career as a marathon, not a sprint. Mid-year check-ins are like those water stations along the route – essential for rehydration, refueling, and ensuring you're still on track. For mid-career women, these check-ins are especially crucial. You're juggling various roles, navigating complex work environments, and often facing the pressures of "having it all." Taking the time to assess your career goals allows you to:


Re-evaluate priorities: Are your current goals still aligned with your values and aspirations?

Identify growth areas: What skills or knowledge can you develop to enhance your career trajectory?

Address roadblocks: What obstacles are hindering your progress, and how can you overcome them?

Celebrate successes: Acknowledging your achievements fuels motivation and confidence.


10 Reflection Questions to Spark Your Assessment


Grab a pen and paper or open your favorite note-taking app, and dive into these questions:


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✏️ Job Satisfaction: On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with your current job? What aspects bring you joy? What drains your energy?

✏️ Work-Life Balance: How well are you balancing your professional and personal life? Are there areas where you need to set better boundaries?

✏️ Skill Development: What skills have you developed this year? What new skills would you like to acquire? Are there any areas where you feel stagnant?

✏️ Long-Term Goals: Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? Are your current actions aligned with those aspirations?

✏️ Support System: Who are your mentors, sponsors, or peers who can offer guidance and support? Are you actively seeking out their advice? How can you create and nourish more of those relationships? 

✏️ Company Culture: How well do you fit with your company's culture and values? Does your work environment support your growth and well-being?

✏️ Financial Goals: Are you satisfied with your current compensation and benefits? Do you have a plan for achieving your financial goals?

✏️ Impact and Purpose: Does your work feel meaningful and impactful? Are you making a difference in a way that aligns with your values?

✏️ Challenges and Obstacles: What are the biggest challenges you're facing in your career right now? Are there any recurring patterns or obstacles that you need to address?

✏️ Self-Care: How are you prioritizing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being? What self-care practices can you incorporate into your routine to support your career goals?


Identifying Action Steps


Based on your reflections, it's time to create actionable goals for the remainder of the year. Remember, these goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound).


How to set SMART goals for your content marketing

Here are a few examples:


🎯  Goal: Improve work-life balance.

🔥Action Step: Block off specific times in my calendar for personal activities and stick to them.


🎯  Goal: Develop leadership skills.

🔥 Action Step: Enroll in a leadership development program or seek out a mentor who can offer guidance.


🎯  Goal: Explore new career paths.

🔥 Action Step: Research industries or roles that align with my interests and attend networking events.


Overcoming Common Challenges


Along your career journey, you may encounter challenges like:


🚩Confidence Gap: Remember your accomplishments and strengths. Seek out affirmations from mentors and peers.

🚩Imposter Syndrome: Challenge those negative thoughts. Focus on your expertise and the value you bring.

🚩Balancing Career and Family: Set realistic expectations. Delegate tasks when possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Your career journey is a dynamic one, full of twists and turns. Regular mid-year check-ins provide the compass you need to navigate with confidence and purpose. Embrace this opportunity for self-reflection, goal setting, and growth.


Remember, you have the power to create a career that is both fulfilling and successful.


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Need further support? I offer a free 20-minute consultation to answer your questions and discuss how my services can help you achieve your objectives. To get a better idea of the topics we might cover, you can check out common questions, view my career packages, and book a session through this link.


Stay awesome!


Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals