Wanting to Change Careers? Ask Yourself This Crucial Question First!


So. You’re planning to change careers. 


That’s a big step. 



But I also want you to succeed at it. So in reality, I’m actually here for you to change careers with a good reason for the action and a solid plan in place. 


First things first. 


As a career coach who works with women like you in this transitioning process every single day, I always ask my clients a simple question. And I want to ask you that question now:


Why do you want to change careers? 


While a lot of people consider changing careers sometime during their life, only a few actually pull it off in an intentional and well-planned way. You might decide to take the leap of faith and change careers but unless you’re clear about your motivation, you’re more likely to slack off when it gets tough or takes longer than you thought. 


And that’s what I want to help you figure out. 


Your Why is...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals