5 Questions to Ask Yourself (and How to Get Promoted)



Being mid-career can be a time of immense potential...and immense frustration.

From the outside looking in, you're doing great but moving up feels hard. It’s annoying. It’s infuriating. It’s… fixable. 


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So what now? Well now, I’m going to give you 5 common questions you might be asking yourself and uncover the steps you can take to finally get that promotion and/or raise that you deserve.


Challenge 1: "Why aren’t people acknowledging my great work?"


The Issue: You nailed that presentation, but your boss only praises your other colleague. You constantly share brilliant ideas in meetings, but they seem to go in one ear and out the other. Meanwhile, less experienced team members are getting tapped for exciting new projects. It feels like no one notices your hard work or your potential.


The Solution:


1. Document your wins: Start a "Wins" file (or Brag Folder as I call mine) where you keep track...

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6 Ways to Jumpstart Your Career This Summer



Forget the idea that summer means hitting pause on your career. With a bit of intention, it's actually the perfect time to make smart moves toward your goals!


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Summer often brings a slightly slower pace at work, giving you the mental space to refocus, learn, and grow. Whether you're dreaming of a promotion, a career switch, or just want to feel more energized in your work, summer is yours to seize.


Let's dive into actionable tips to help you take advantage of the season and get closer to where you want to be professionally.


Tip 1: Set Specific Goals


Don't just drift through summer expecting that career magic will suddenly happen in the Fall.  What do you REALLY want to achieve by the end of the year? More visibility at work? A promotion? New skills in a cutting-edge field?


Thats The Goal GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY


Action Step for You: Break down your big-picture goal into 2-3 smaller milestones you can aim for this summer. This makes progress feel achievable!


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Power Up Your Network in 2024!



Feeling a bit lost or disconnected in your career? Like, when you finally take a moment to catch your breath and look around, do you think “Is this all there is?” Or “I don't know what I want to do next but it ain’t this!”


Why Is Everyone So Unhappy at Work Right Now? - WSJ

It's a completely normal experience, especially for women at this career stage. Many of us find it challenging to expand our network or feel unsure of how to tap into its potential. Let's tackle this head-on with advice designed just for you.


1 Problem 1: "I feel out of touch/out of the loop after a career break."


Taking time out of the workforce happens, whether it's to raise a family or tackle personal circumstances. But stepping back in can feel intimidating. First, remember you have valuable skills and experience.


The Equalizer GIF by CBS

Here's how to reconnect and update your network:


Reconnect with Purpose
Reach out to former colleagues and see what they're up to. You can send them a quick message via...

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5 Steps to Overcome Your Career Change Fears in 2024



Hit a wall in your career? You're not alone.


Many of us reach a point where what we're doing just doesn't feel right anymore. Maybe you're bored, maybe you crave more challenges, or maybe you always had a different dream bubbling under the surface. Whether it's a nagging whisper or a full-blown scream, it's time to listen to that inner voice pushing for change.


Understanding Your Unique Career Fears


Feeling a bit terrified about hitting mid-career reset is totally normal!


Scared Afraid GIF - Scared Afraid Fear - Discover & Share GIFs, scared face gif - thirstymag.com


Here's why it can feel extra scary for women:


The "Shoulds"
Society places so much pressure on women to fit certain roles, and stepping outside those roles can make us doubt ourselves. Been there. Still trying to avoid doing that!


Juggling Act
Often, we're managing care for kids, parents, and ourselves on top of a demanding job, leaving zero space for career soul-searching.


Confidence Gap
It's no secret that the workplace isn't always a level field....

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals