We’ve all been there.
You’re sitting in yet another this-could-have-been-an-email meeting. Someone claims credit for your work. You don’t get the acknowledgment and recognition that you deserve. Your paycheck doesn’t match the time and effort that you put into the job or the results that you’ve gotten.
Usually, you fume for a bit, suck it up, and then move on to the next thing.
Well, it’s happened one too many times and you’re really fed up and tired of the BS!
You’ve started thinking seriously about leaving your job. Maybe even start a new career.
How do you know if you’re stuck in a rut or if it’s time to exit stage left?
Burnout can manifest in a variety of ways. You might start feeling more exhausted, cynical, and detached from your job, or feel less personal accomplishment.
You can even...
So you were an expert in your old field. But now you’ve quit. Finished the race. Tied the bow on the dapper ribbon. You’re starting out as the new kid on the block again because you got the right stuff (Get it? No, just me. Ok. Moving on….) and you’ve sorta forgotten how to be the new kid.
You want to be seen as experienced (you are a professional, after all) but your experience has been in an entirely different industry. You want to be seen as driven, but you also don’t want to drive over people and don’t want to be driven over yourself.
You want to be respected. You want to learn.
And you want to be successful.
Put simply, you don’t want to be the newbie forever.
Here are 7 steps to being a successful newbie from Day 1:
Even if it’s a decision you were excited to make, it can be hard to remove yourself from a job you felt successful in and throw yourself completely into...
You’ve studied hard, worked even harder, and burnt the midnight oil more often than you’d care to remember in order to reach your career goals.
You aced the interview, snagged that dream job, and worked your way up the ladder. You’ve got the house with the picket fence (or a snazzy apartment), a car or two in the garage, a couple of kids, and maybe even a pet or two too. Life’s looking rosy and going uphill.
So, why then does it feel like something is missing from your life? Why do you feel like you’re stuck and don’t know how to go forward?
You thought it would be a passing phase but it’s been stuck there in the back of your mind- the constant feeling that doesn’t seem to go away. Often people experience the feeling of being stuck if they’ve been working towards goals that don't align with who they are or what they truly desire.
You may be at a dead-end in your job or maybe you recognize that you could maximize...
Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals