4 Real Life Stories Proving It's Never Too Late to Start A New Career

A common worry that I hear a lot from clients is that they think they might be too old to change careers.

They've invested A LOT of time, energy, and often money on their current career and worry that they'd be throwing all that away if they move to a different career. I have yet to come across someone who was thinking about a career that they'd be barred from because of their age. Even if the career they were considering required going back to school, it's still not too late for that. 

If you're still not convinced, here are four women who are proof positive that changing careers midstream IS possible. Keep reading and be inspired! 

Vera Wang: Wang started her career as a fashion editor at Vogue and then became an accessories design director for Ralph Lauren. It wasn’t until she was 40 that she started seriously thinking about becoming a wedding dress designer. As you well know, she’s built an empire that extends beyond just wedding dresses, including a...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals