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The Biggest Barrier to Your Success Might Be You



It’s time to get out of your own way and unlock your full potential. 


That’s right. 


The biggest barrier to your success…is YOU! 



It’s no secret that women face unique challenges in the workplace, but maybe you didn’t know that sometimes, you’re the one holding yourself back. 




Sorry, not sorry. 


Excuses, Excuses… 🙃❌


Let’s be honest: You’re smart, ambitious, and determined. You’ve achieved most—if not all—of your major goals. When you focus on something, you’re unstoppable! 


So why haven’t you made the career change that you’ve been thinking about for so long? 


You’ve come up with all the excuses: lack of time, lack of knowledge and transferable skills, lack of experience, and fear that you won’t be able to make as much money as you do now. 


Excuses, excuses, and more excuses… it’s time to start making changes instead.



Don’t worry, it’s a common issue and it’s one that we can overcome together. 


Let’s knock down these c...

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How a Single Year Can Make a Difference in Your Life


A year ago I:

  • Woke up from a coma
  • Was on a ventilator with a breathing tube down my throat to help me breathe 
  • Was suddenly a mother of premature twin boys in NICU  whose photos I was afraid to look at because I was so afraid of losing them
  • Couldn’t walk, feed, or do other personal things for myself 
  • Woke up to terrifying ads about Chucky. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to leave my tv on the SciFi channel during the Halloween season?!


          (Yup, this one!)

But also a year ago today, I:

  • Won a battle against death by waking up from a freaking coma, surviving massive bleeding and multiple surgeries, and being put on a ventilator!!!!!! 
  • Had the breathing tube removed and was able to breathe on my own with the help of an oxygen tube
  • Was suddenly a mother of twin boys in NICU who were fighters, just like their mama. 
  • Woke up to an amazing amount of love and support from family and friends. 


So, why am I telling you this? Because you’re probably stron...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals