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Find Career Clarity in 2024



What is Career Clarity?


Imagine you're holding a map. At the center is a big "You Are Here" marker. Now, picture a destination – your dream job, a role that makes you excited to wake up each day.


How To Choose A Career: A Guide - CareerGuide


Career clarity is all about drawing the clearest route between those two points. It's knowing your values, strengths, and what you really want from your work.


Why Bother? The Benefits of Career Clarity


New party member! Tags: thinking sudden realization observing sudden clarity  | Giphy, New trends, Gif


Getting clear on your career path offers a ton of advantages, both right now and down the road:


Short-Term Wins


➡️Less Stress, More Focus
No more endless job scrolling! Clarity gives you direction, saving you time and energy. Imagine instead of applying to dozens of positions feeling overwhelmed, you know exactly what type of role fits you and can zero in on your search with confidence.

➡️Targeted Applications
With a clear career goal, you tailor your resume and cover letter to stand out. You won't be sending out generic applications, but ones that speak direc...

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Why It's Important to Celebrate Your Success in 2023


Humility is a good thing, but many of the women I work with are TOO humble. These AMAZING women just don’t know how amazing they truly are. 



When I work with them on their resumes or LinkedIn profiles, I find out about several spectacular accomplishments that they don’t mention anywhere. 


Why don’t they mention them? 


They didn’t think they were worth mentioning. 


Excuse me. WHAT THE WHAT?!!




Not touting your experience and accomplishments is basically the same as leaving a pile of cash on the table. 


The business world is the very place you want to showcase your achievements to the world. 


So the next time you look at your LinkedIn profile or update your resume, don’t whisper into the forget-me-box. 


Bring out the megaphone. 


Why amplifying your experiences and accomplishments matters


Celebrating your success is important for many reasons. 


Recognizing and acknowledging your own accomplishments boosts your self-confidence, h...

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How To Find Time To Help With Your Career Change


Let’s be real. Changing careers is a lot of work. And it can feel a bit intimidating. 



You need to decide what field or industry you want to enter. You need to educate yourself, expand your skills and experience, and refine your transferable skills. 


You may need to move from being an expert in your current field to being a novice in your new one.


How can you do that while still working a full-time job, not leaving yourself open to financial risk, and living the normal, busy life that quite frankly, gets away from us? 


Here is a quick checkpoint for how to start your career-changing process when you’re short on time. 


⏰ 15 Minutes: Narrow Down Your Choices


Sometimes having so many choices for our future ends up scaring us into decision paralysis. Narrow down your choices in a quick, 15-minute brainstorming session. Go off your gut to narrow it down to what you really want, instead of overthinking every option.


  • 🙇 Brainstorm and write down careers that ...
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It’s a New Year: How to Get Your A$$ in Gear!


If you’re anything like me, you’ve already started thinking about what you want to accomplish this year. 


I can’t help you with your home renovation or mastering the perfect red sauce, but I can help you with your career change ambitions. 



Here are some of the best Tyche Blog Posts of 2022 to help you get started! 


➡️ How to Change Careers Like A Pro (Even If It’s Your First Time)



Changing careers can be pretty scary. Especially if you’ve never done it before. 


It can feel overwhelming and intimidating; you need to learn everything from the ground up like you’re going from expert to novice overnight. 


Maybe fears such as financial instability or taking a pay cut have held you back in the past. 


But now you’re ready to make the move. 


Nothing is going to stop you. You’re invested. You’re here all the way. 


You just don’t know where to begin. 


Read this article to learn how to change careers like a pro (even if it’s your first time). 


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How to Be Unapologetically Yourself


As you head into the holiday season, it’s natural to think of what you want to change in your life. You’re likely to be bombarded with a host of messages heading into the new year—all about what should be different. You may have a plan to change your body, your weight, your attitude, your job, your schedule, or something else entirely. 



I’m here to propose a different plan for the New Year: 


Focus on what should remain the same. 


Focus on being unapologetically You. 


Stop Being Who You “Should Be”


If you’re anything like me, you had a picture of what your life would look like right now. 


Maybe your life is actually pretty close to what you had planned. Or maybe it’s entirely different. 


Either way, you probably put a lot of pressure on yourself for what your life should look like. What sort of job you should have. What sort of relationship you should have with your family. What your career and home life balance should be. What your health or body should...

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Share your gifts this holiday season!

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How to Change Careers Like A Pro (Even If It’s Your First Time)



Pivoting careers and job-hopping are pretty common in this day and age.



In fact, the average employee moves onto a new job every four years.

You may be excited to start in a brand-new field. Or you might be terrified. Either way, there are things you can keep in mind to make the process easier (even if it’s your first time.)


Use Your Existing Skills to Your Advantage



The expected demands and requirements at your new job may feel intimidating.


Actually, it may feel like a nightmare.


Thinking about how you have to restart from the bottom and develop a whole new set of skills suitable for your line of work.


Thinking about the unknowns and uncertainties.


Wondering how you can even appeal to employers with almost no experience as you start out.


That’s all scary stuff.


But, it actually doesn’t need to be.


Your first step here is to identify the things you are already good at (and enjoy doing!) and identify the areas you need to impr...

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Helpful Tips to Change Your Life By Changing Your Mindset



Let me guess. 



You studied hard in high school, worked your butt off in college, and did what you were supposed to get your career underway. You’ve held low-paying positions, worked for crappy management, and checked off everything you were supposed to on the proverbial Career Success Checklist.


You thought you were finally underway for where you wanted to be in life. 


And now, suddenly, you are being forced to change your career. 


Even though all of us have heard the saying, “Life happens,” we’re still surprised when drastic changes head our way. 



But I gotcha covered. 


Here are some tips on how facing your fears and making a career change might just be the best thing you could do for yourself. 


Name Your Fear and What’s Behind It



It will feel safest to stay inside your comfort zone. You may think that’s the only way to keep your peace of mind, financial security, or even what makes you happy. 


But that’s not always the case. 


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Why You Should be Thankful For Your “Failures” in Life


Look, I’ve “failed” at A LOT of things. I “failed” the Virginia Bar Exam not once, but twice. I “failed” at getting a foothold in securities law like I thought I would. I “failed” at returning to my old self after giving birth to my twin boys and almost dying in the aftermath. There are plenty of other examples but I’ll leave it at that.



Why did I put failure in quotes? Because I’m a big believer in that you will continue to have the same challenges until you learn the lessons that you are supposed to learn. To me, it’s only a failure if you don’t, or refuse, to learn a lesson from your failures or mistakes. It's only then can you move forward. Here are the lessons that I learned from the above “failures.”


Here’s what I learned from the above failures:


  • Failing the bar exam: I learned to create detailed a plan that included speaking to experts on the subject., playing to my strengths, and keeping going in the face of adversity. In this case, I took advantage of the op
  • ...
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How to Career Pivot During Uncertain Times



Even since the coronavirus outbreak, a sense of uncertainty has taken over our lives. 



Travel bans, restrictions over large gatherings, talks of recession, and the imposition of the mandatory 6-feet distance, can all make stress escalate with each passing day.


You have been forced to adjust to a new reality. You may feel greater concerns regarding work as well as the long-term impacts on the world economy. Companies going on a layoff spree may even cause you to feel the weight of unemployment.


It’s hard not to panic.


So what should you do?


Take stock of your financial situation



With companies going through layoffs and public places being shut down, it’s easy to see why finance should be your first and foremost priority.


You may not have a ton of savings lying around for something as unexpected as this, and it’s only natural to be anxious in the wake of calamity.


However, the best way forward is to be as financially proactive as you can....

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals