6 Limiting Beliefs in Career and How to Overcome Them


I used to have a job that didn’t give me any happiness or fulfillment at all. 


My friends told me to take some time off or find a new hobby to take my mind off things. That worked for a while. But at some point, I found myself once again dragging my feet to work because I would rather be anywhere else but there and do anything else but my job. 


And yet, in spite of everything I was feeling, I was terrified to hand in my two weeks’ notice. 


What was my problem? 


A pretty common one. We’ve all been there. 


I had limiting beliefs


What are limiting beliefs?



Limiting beliefs are more than just a fear of something new. Limiting beliefs are the things we believe or hear about ourselves that stop us from reaching our full potential. 


So how do you know if you have limiting beliefs? 


Does this sound like you? 


  • You are frustrated and bored at your...
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How to Use Your Transferable Skills to Get Your Dream Job


Changing careers is a big step. And one of the scariest parts of that transition process is the idea of starting over. 


You may feel like your past experience and work have been wasted because you’re starting from the beginning.


You’re a newbie in the field again. 


You don’t have as much to offer. 


And going from a high professional status back to square one can seem like a step in the wrong direction (even if it’s the job you’ve always wanted.) 


BUT, this isn’t actually true. 


All because of a little handy thing called transferable skills.


Transferable skills are the skills you’ve honed over the course of your previous career and that overlap with your new career. 


These skills are instrumental in helping you secure a role or position in your new field. 


By highlighting transferable skills, you showcase your expertise to potential...

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4 Steps to Let Go of Something That's Not Going To Happen


Do you ever look at your life and think: “I didn’t think it would be this way”?




Sometimes that realization hurts.


It can feel like letting go of hope or desire. It can feel like you’ve disappointed yourself.


It can even feel like failure.


But it’s not.





Maybe part of your problem is that happiness always seems like something ahead.


“Once I live there….”


“Once I work that job….”


“Once I make that income…”


But here’s the truth. Happiness isn’t found in making a certain amount of money, living in a certain location, or working a specific job.


All of these can be good and wonderful, but if your whole life is spent chasing what is ahead of you…


…then you will never be happy where you are right now.


Maybe you should stop chasing happiness, and start creating ...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals