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Wanting to Change Careers? Ask Yourself This Crucial Question First!


So. You’re planning to change careers. 


That’s a big step. 



But I also want you to succeed at it. So in reality, I’m actually here for you to change careers with a good reason for the action and a solid plan in place. 


First things first. 


As a career coach who works with women like you in this transitioning process every single day, I always ask my clients a simple question. And I want to ask you that question now:


Why do you want to change careers? 


While a lot of people consider changing careers sometime during their life, only a few actually pull it off in an intentional and well-planned way. You might decide to take the leap of faith and change careers but unless you’re clear about your motivation, you’re more likely to slack off when it gets tough or takes longer than you thought. 


And that’s what I want to help you figure out. 


Your Why is what will keep you going even when motivation wavers, when the going gets tough, and when you even secon...

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How a Single Year Can Make a Difference in Your Life


A year ago I:

  • Woke up from a coma
  • Was on a ventilator with a breathing tube down my throat to help me breathe 
  • Was suddenly a mother of premature twin boys in NICU  whose photos I was afraid to look at because I was so afraid of losing them
  • Couldn’t walk, feed, or do other personal things for myself 
  • Woke up to terrifying ads about Chucky. Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to leave my tv on the SciFi channel during the Halloween season?!


          (Yup, this one!)

But also a year ago today, I:

  • Won a battle against death by waking up from a freaking coma, surviving massive bleeding and multiple surgeries, and being put on a ventilator!!!!!! 
  • Had the breathing tube removed and was able to breathe on my own with the help of an oxygen tube
  • Was suddenly a mother of twin boys in NICU who were fighters, just like their mama. 
  • Woke up to an amazing amount of love and support from family and friends. 


So, why am I telling you this? Because you’re probably stron...

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The Most Important Investment is You and Here's How To Invest In Yourself


We hear all the time about how we should “get into such-and-such investment”. Stocks, mutual funds, and crypto are all the rage just now (and not just for the financial gurus). Sometimes, it makes you want to just turn to that colleague and say: “Ugh! Shut up about Bitcoin already.”


I am not here to tell you to open up your investment accounts and get a broker (although, you may find that a good idea).


I’m here to let you in on an investment secret (that shouldn’t be a secret).




A secret that maybe not even that annoying coworker knows about (but would definitely change their life).


The most important life-changing investment of all is…. *drumroll please*




Okay, did that seem a little anti-climactic and clickbaity?


I understand.


You hear all the time about how you should practice self-care and take time to rest and invest in yourself and learn and grow and plant flowers and live in a house that looks like a Pinterest board and only cuddle w...

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4 Steps to Let Go of Something That's Not Going To Happen


Do you ever look at your life and think: “I didn’t think it would be this way”?




Sometimes that realization hurts.


It can feel like letting go of hope or desire. It can feel like you’ve disappointed yourself.


It can even feel like failure.


But it’s not.





Maybe part of your problem is that happiness always seems like something ahead.


“Once I live there….”


“Once I work that job….”


“Once I make that income…”


But here’s the truth. Happiness isn’t found in making a certain amount of money, living in a certain location, or working a specific job.


All of these can be good and wonderful, but if your whole life is spent chasing what is ahead of you…


…then you will never be happy where you are right now.


Maybe you should stop chasing happiness, and start creating it.


Maybe part of being happy is letting go of what you believe your life should look like and simply celebrating it for what it is.





One of my most libera...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals