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The Biggest Barrier to Your Success Might Be You



It’s time to get out of your own way and unlock your full potential. 


That’s right. 


The biggest barrier to your success…is YOU! 



It’s no secret that women face unique challenges in the workplace, but maybe you didn’t know that sometimes, you’re the one holding yourself back. 




Sorry, not sorry. 


Excuses, Excuses… 🙃❌


Let’s be honest: You’re smart, ambitious, and determined. You’ve achieved most—if not all—of your major goals. When you focus on something, you’re unstoppable! 


So why haven’t you made the career change that you’ve been thinking about for so long? 


You’ve come up with all the excuses: lack of time, lack of knowledge and transferable skills, lack of experience, and fear that you won’t be able to make as much money as you do now. 


Excuses, excuses, and more excuses… it’s time to start making changes instead.



Don’t worry, it’s a common issue and it’s one that we can overcome together. 


Let’s knock down these c...

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This Valentine's Day, Fall In Love With Yourself



Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love, but let’s face it: it’s often portrayed as a holiday meant for couples. 


This year, it’s time for a change. 


You have a New Valentine. 




What on earth, Lauren?... 🤨



Okay, I get it. That sounds a bit cheesy. But it’s actually way more important than you might realize. 


In fact, the cheesier it sounds, the more important it might be for you to do. 


This is especially important (and difficult) for women like us: who have high standards, goal driven direction, but also struggle with feelings of not being enough. 


So how can you fall in love with yourself this Valentine’s Day?


Self-Care: Especially If It Sounds Cheesy 💆💕


Self-care might sound cheesy, pampered, or expensive. But it really doesn’t have to be. 


Self-care is all about taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. Because, let’s be real: as women, we often put others before ourselves and neglect our own needs....

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“Am I Too ____, for my Dream Career?”


We all have something that we’re insecure about when it comes to pursuing our dreams.


A big one for me was my weight.


I thought I had to be a certain size or look a certain way to show up and succeed on social media.



I knew intellectually that this wasn’t true, but that emotional insecurity still existed for me. I found that by not addressing that fear of mine, I began:


  1. Talking myself out of my own goals and aspirations
  2. Procrastinating even the little things that could lead to my success
  3. Playing the comparison game with other people and thinking, “I can’t do what they’re doing (so why even try?)” which in turn led to…
  4. …even MORE insecurity!


I finally got to the point where I had to realize that not only was this not true, but my ambition and determination had to be bigger than my insecurities.


I decided it was better to show up, even imperfectly than it was to continue holding off until I “felt ready” to begin.



  •  Do you feel like you h...
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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals