4 Steps to Let Go of Something That's Not Going To Happen


Do you ever look at your life and think: “I didn’t think it would be this way”?




Sometimes that realization hurts.


It can feel like letting go of hope or desire. It can feel like you’ve disappointed yourself.


It can even feel like failure.


But it’s not.





Maybe part of your problem is that happiness always seems like something ahead.


“Once I live there….”


“Once I work that job….”


“Once I make that income…”


But here’s the truth. Happiness isn’t found in making a certain amount of money, living in a certain location, or working a specific job.


All of these can be good and wonderful, but if your whole life is spent chasing what is ahead of you…


…then you will never be happy where you are right now.


Maybe you should stop chasing happiness, and start creating ...

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“Am I Too ____, for my Dream Career?”


We all have something that we’re insecure about when it comes to pursuing our dreams.


A big one for me was my weight.


I thought I had to be a certain size or look a certain way to show up and succeed on social media.



I knew intellectually that this wasn’t true, but that emotional insecurity still existed for me. I found that by not addressing that fear of mine, I began:


  1. Talking myself out of my own goals and aspirations
  2. Procrastinating even the little things that could lead to my success
  3. Playing the comparison game with other people and thinking, “I can’t do what they’re doing (so why even try?)” which in turn led to…
  4. …even MORE insecurity!


I finally got to the point where I had to realize that not only was this not true, but my ambition and determination had to be bigger than my insecurities.


I decided it was better to show up, even imperfectly than it was to continue holding...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals