Helpful Tips on How to Use Alumnae Associations and Local Clubs for Networking


I read a lot about networking. A LOT. I'll admit that, as an introvert, the idea of networking makes me a little anxious. I know all the rules but honestly, the only way I get through any of those events is to not network. 

Yeah, you read that correctly. I don't network at networking events. 

Here's what I mean: I don't focus on what the person can do for me (bad) or even how I can help them (better). I focus on simply getting to know that person. Starting that conversation is much easier if you know you have something in common with them, like the same alma mater. Think about it. How many times have you seen someone wearing a baseball cap or shirt with your school and you got excited and maybe even introduced yourself? That's a form of networking!!!! So, use that same energy when connecting with other alums from your school(s).

As a Director on the Wellesley College Alumnae Association Board of Directors, I'll admit to being 1000% biased in favor of alum...

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How to Do What You Do Best and Delegate the Rest


You know you’re doing too much. You feel scatterbrained and like you’re always forgetting something. You’re exhausted but feel like you must keep going because if you don’t do it, who will? And quite honestly, you don’t feel appreciated for everything you do.

Does any of that sound true? Yeah, I bet it does. I know it's been true for me. Been there. Done that. Grabbed a bottle of wine on the way out. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way. 

One of the most common obstacles people face when trying to make a career transition is finding the time to do it. Here’s a secret: It’s not a matter of time. It’s a matter of priorities. We make the time for the things that are most important to us. If your career transition is a top priority, you’ll find the time. If it isn’t, you’ll find an excuse. Either choice is fine. It’s fine if making a career change is a top priority and...

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Helpful Tips to Change Careers if You Think You Don't Have Time


Let’s be real. Things are uncertain right now. There isn’t much you can do about the economy or the job market but you can start creating options for yourself and your career. 

Look, we all have to decide how we will spend our time. Why not choose to spend some of your building your own future? 

  • Email a friend or work acquaintance to catch up. 
  • Email someone whose career you admire and ask for an informational interview. 
  • Read an article about a professional field that you’re interested in.
  • Brainstorm and write down careers that you’d love to have. It doesn’t matter how far-fetched they may seem, write them down!

  • Look at the “Careers” webpage for a company for which you'd like to work and see if there are any positions that you might be interested in. Print or save the positions that interest you.
  • Review your resume or LinkedIn profile to see if it needs to be updated. 
  • Update your LinkedIn...
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4 Real Life Stories Proving It's Never Too Late to Start A New Career

A common worry that I hear a lot from clients is that they think they might be too old to change careers.

They've invested A LOT of time, energy, and often money on their current career and worry that they'd be throwing all that away if they move to a different career. I have yet to come across someone who was thinking about a career that they'd be barred from because of their age. Even if the career they were considering required going back to school, it's still not too late for that. 

If you're still not convinced, here are four women who are proof positive that changing careers midstream IS possible. Keep reading and be inspired! 

Vera Wang: Wang started her career as a fashion editor at Vogue and then became an accessories design director for Ralph Lauren. It wasn’t until she was 40 that she started seriously thinking about becoming a wedding dress designer. As you well know, she’s built an empire that extends beyond just wedding dresses, including a...

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5 Things Running Has Taught Me About Career Changes

Confession: I didn’t start running until I was 35. Before I started running myself, I thought running for fun was crazy. I was one of those people who “jokingly” asked why you were running if nothing was chasing you. I heard about the famous “runner’s high” and rolled my eyes. I hated running during sports training and my attitude hadn’t changed… until it did. I’ll admit that I started running to lose weight and it worked… until it didn’t. So, I started training for a half marathon because it was a challenge. I started my coaching training around the same time I started running. One of the things that I noticed is that as I got more serious about running, I’ve also gotten more serious about coaching. The 2 things often collide because I usually think about my business while running. So, I’m sharing with you what I’ve learned on my many, many long runs. 


1. Every challenge starts with a...

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How I Didn't Wait for the Right Moment to Turn My Life Around

For 2 decades (yes, over 20 whooooole years!), I’d been waiting for the right moment to turn my life around. I was convinced that things would be perfect when I lost weight, got a different job, or made more money. I felt that once those things fell into place, my life would really take off. I’d start working on those goals and then would sabotage myself. I’d start Weight Watchers in earnest, only to fall back into old habits within a month or two. I’d apply for jobs but didn’t really care if I got them. I completed a 2-year coaching program and started a coaching business but didn’t give it my all. Why? Because I was waiting for the perfect moment when everything would be right, the stars in alignment, my chakras perfectly doing whatever chakras are supposed to do. Of course, that meant that nothing in my life that meant a lot to me ever got off the ground.

Looking in from the outside, I didn’t seem like someone who waited for the perfect...

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4 Helpful Tips to Change Careers While Staying in Your Expected Salary

Photo by Christina on Unsplash


Today pivoting careers and job-hopping have become common. On average, employees stay with their companies only for about 4.2 years before they move on to a new job. While the idea of starting in a brand-new field may seem exciting, pivoting careers has its own challenges that you need to take into account.

With jobs becoming less linear and more flexible, changing them could mean having to deal with substantial pay cuts. You may very likely have to start from the bottom, and not everyone can afford to do that, especially with a great deal of financial uncertainty and emotional instability involved. However, there are a few ways you can change careers while making sure that you stay in a relatively “experienced” salary tier.


Use Your Existing Skills To Your Advantage

If you are thinking of changing your career, the expected demands and requirements at your new job may scare you at first. It may very well seem like a nightmare...

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How To Navigate A New Field After Being The Expert In Another Field

Photo by CoWomen on Unsplash


Transitioning to a new career can be challenging, regardless of your expertise in another niche, making it difficult for you to adapt to a new job. Here are a few ways you can build your confidence and navigate your way through a brand-new field as a newbie.


Give Yourself Time to Adapt & Be Patient

Remember not to overburden yourself. Give yourself time to adapt to the new environment, get used to the new work routine, and focus on learning and soaking up information as you operate within your new workplace. Make an effort to step out of your comfort zone and network with your peers. Remember, everyone working alongside you was once a newbie and you can learn from their mistakes and experiences. So, don’t hesitate to communicate and ask questions from those ahead of you.

During the first few months, you might have to put in the extra effort. You may have to unlearn things and invest a considerable amount of time learning new...

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Why A Career Change Might Be The Best Thing that You Can Do For Yourself

career change fear Apr 14, 2020

I’ve been there. You studied hard in high school, worked your butt off in college, and paid your dues. You did everything on the proverbial Career Success Checklist and are still being forced to change jobs or even careers. Even though each one of us has heard the saying: “life happens”; we’re as surprised as the next person when drastic changes head our way. It may not seem like it at the moment, but here are tips on how facing your fears and making a career change might just be the best thing you could do for yourself.

Acknowledge your fear and what’s behind it

            If psychology tells us anything, it’s that our perception of reality is always biased. We tend to think the worst so that we can force us into our comfort zones and have peace of mind. However, that’s not always the case. Sometimes, the natural tendency to stay in our comfort zones does more harm than good.


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Resume Your Way to a New Career: Your Achievements

We’ve reached the final installment of the Resume Your Way to a New Career series. You can go back and read the first two installments on the Career Summary and Key Skills sections of the resume. 


Ahhhhhh! The Achievements section! I love this section! If you've ever wanted to flat-out brag about yourself and your achievements with impunity but without people giving you serious side eyes, this will be your favorite section too. This is also the section for which  I have the hardest time getting clients to give me information. I so often hear “But I don't have any real accomplishments” or “I haven't achieved anything specific that's worth putting on my resume.” Nonsense! You didn't get where you are by doing nothing well and living la vida sans achievements. Yeah, saying you have no specific achievements is as nutty and nonsensical as me mixing 3 languages in that last sentence! You've done stuff. You've even done specific and...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals